About FBAC
The Fort Bend Astronomy Club was formed in the fall of 1984 by a group of amateur astronomers in the city of Stafford, Texas. In 1985, FBAC merged with the Southwest Astronomy Club and continued developing it's goal of serving people in the community who love astronomy. Club members have highly diverse interests: CCD and film astrophotography, deep sky observing, minor planet and supernova search are among the areas of astronomy in which club members participate. Members own and use telescopes from the smallest refractors to giant trailer transported reflectors. Many of us enjoy only a pair of binoculars or just our eyes to view the spectacle of the night sky.
FBAC supports and helps manage the George Observatory in Brazos Bend State Park, 30 miles southwest of Houston. We own and operate an CK-17 equatorially mounted telescope in one of the three domes and club members also serve as volunteers, operating the 36" and 14" telescopes in the two other domes. Public nights, ordinarily on Saturday, gives us a chance to help educate people in the science of astronomy.Other projects we are active in include FBAC's own Astronomy On Wheels which goes to area schools, The Texas Star Party, and Astronomy Day, club sponsored camping/observing trips, and light pollution reduction in Fort Bend County and the Houston area.
FBAC holds a monthly club meeting, usually on the third Friday of the month at 6:45 PM, in Stafford, Texas at the Houston Community College Southwest Campus. Please see the Club Meetings page for more information.
Membership in FBAC is open to anyone. There is no requirement other than an interest in astronomy and love of the night sky. Dues are $30.00 per year for Regular Members and $5.00 each for Associate (family) Members. Membership for college students is $10.00 annually. New members can apply and pay their dues via Online Form, or pay by Personal Check, Money Order or Cashier's Check. After reviewing the FBAC By-laws, FBAC Code of Conduct and Whistleblower Policy, apply by Online Form, or Click Here to download a membership form. New members are always welcome, come and join us.
Our mailing address is:
Fort Bend Astronomy Club
P.O. Box 942
Stafford, Texas 77497
Elected officers 2023 - 2024
Office | Person | |
President | Jeff Lepp | fbacastro@gmail.com |
Vice-President | Lee Higgins | fbacastro@gmail.com |
Secretary | Todd Dunnavant | tdunnavant1123@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Liz Prochnow | fbacastro@gmail.com |
Appointed officers 2023 - 2024
Office | Person | |
Astronomy On Wheels Team | Susan Sailing | fbacaow@gmail.com |
Astronomy On Wheels Team | Larry Denmark | fbacaow@gmail.com |
East Dome & Physical Assets Co-Chair | Lee Higgins | |
East Dome & Physical Assets Co-Chair | Arul Dhesiaseelan | fbacastro@gmail.com |
Past Elected President | Tracy Knauss | tracy_knauss@yahoo.com |
FBAC Webmaster | David Haviland | fbacastro@gmail.com |
Donations and Grants Coordinator | Todd Dunnavant | tdunnavant1123@gmail.com |
Membership Experience Chair | Alica Tristan | fbacmet@gmail.com |
Member At Large | Leonard Ferguson | fbacastro@gmail.com |
Committees and Programs
Astronomy On Wheels
"AOW" is an education program designed to bring the astronomy education experience to area schools.
Please contact Jai Shet. With additional support provided by Susan Sailing
East Dome Committee
Oversees operation and maintenance of the East Dome at the George Observatory at Brazos Bend State Park
For inquiries relating to East Dome operations, please contact Lee Higgins or Liz Prochnow
Donations and Grants
Coordination for companies interested in helping support the club's astronomy community science education and outreach programs, volunteering at the George Observatory, and the Club's AOW program.
Please contact Barb Wiese
Main Speaker Program
Coordinates interested parties as a featured speaker at the monthly meeting.
Please contact Lee Higgins or David Haviland
Novice Speaker Program
Coordinates interested parties as a novice speaker at the monthly meeting.
Please contact Lee Higgins
Loaner Telescope Program - Currently On Hold
This program is on hold.
Please contact Information
FBAC Website
Questions, comments or to report technical issues or broken links, please contact David Haviland